Vancouver Home Staging – The Rise of Home Staging
Reasons more and more realtors choose staging services in the Greater Vancouver Area
Vancouver Home Staging – The Rise of Home Staging: Back in the 2000s, Home staging service was deemed to be a service exclusively for high-end properties only. For the realtors, it is an “extra” cost that can be left out. However, during the recession in 2009, the real estate market turns into a scramble for all the buyers. And of course, the realtors won’t let this chance slip off. In order to serve all the home buyers, realtors started to think of different strategies to promote their listings which include lower commission, lower mortgage rate or even home staging. Nowadays, without a quick makeover or a nice furnishing, I would say it is quite difficult to serve this buyer’s market.
Home staging can be described as a makeup service. The furnishing accessories are the make up kit and the home stagers are the makeup artist. It doesn’t just make the property more appealing. It draws out the good and covers up the flaws. An unusual room layout? Scratches on the floor? Or even some unusual placements of electrical panels that you want to cover up in the house? Home staging can keep the home buyer focus on the great qualities of the property. Most of them are not looking for a property, they are looking for a home.
Luckily, MiiX offers full home staging service for all property types. You can hire our professional home staging team to fully furnish your property and transform it into a home. Our senior designer will come in for a consultation to let you know our design concept, and based on your budget we can even partially stage the property that still has a dramatic change.
Email, call or text us today to book your complimentary consultation with our designer today!